In one of the most breathtaking edits we’ve ever laid our eyes on, Cody Townsend discovers the ski areas of Tohoku and so much more. Heading to the resorts of Hakkoda and Nekoma and touring in some of the surrounding areas, Townsend is transfixed by the quality of the snow, the kindness of the Japanese people, the rich culture and the Japanese food.

In his own words:

“I came to Japan for the most guaranteed powder skiing on this planet. If it’s your first ski trip to Japan, you will be blown away.

You’ll be blown away by how much it snows – it’s unbelievable. I didn’t know it could snow this much every night, like it does. The food, the culture … just every little detail is breathtaking.”


“[Hakkoda is] pretty much the best kept secret in Japan. This is a massive ski area, there’s an unlimited amount of options to go skiing and I really had never heard of it until I came here. I will definitely be back after this.

“…pretty much the best kept secret in Japan.”

Nekoma Resort

“I guess they have this claim of ‘miccro fine powder’, which sounds like a bold claim, but from my few days there getting snow up my face and feeling it, it felt like micro fine powder!”